
You can use if statements to test for specific conditions and respond accordingly. Python uses indentation to determine what code to execute if a specific condition is met (note the print statement below is indented from the if statement):

a = 34
b = 22
if a > b:
  print("a is greater than b")


a is greater than b

You can use elif to test for additional conditions - these will only be tested if the original condition is false. You can also add a final else statement that will only execute if all the preceding conditions are false:

a = 34
b = 34
if a > b:
  print("a is greater than b")
elif a < b:
  print("a is less than b")
  print("a is equal to b")


a is equal to b


  1. Create an if statement that checks whether the value stored in the variable temperature is between 60 and 80, and if so prints the message “Nice weather!”

  2. Expand the previous if statement into an if/elif/else statement that prints “It’s freezing!” if the temperature is below 32, “It’s cold!” if it’s between 32 and 50, and “It’s hot!” if it’s above 80.

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