Let’s have a listen to the device’s speakers!
Here the first number is the pitch, and the second number is the duration of the note. Play different notes depending on which button is pressed.
from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
while True:
if cp.button_a:
elif cp.button_b:
Making Music
If you want to try out some music here are variables you need to get started. See below for sample songs.
Copy these musical note variables into your code:
deep_A = 116.541
deep_B = 123.471
low_C = 130.813
low_C_sharp = 138.591
low_D = 146.832
low_D_sharp = 155.563
low_E = 164.814
low_F = 174.614
low_F_sharp = 184.997
low_G = 195.998
low_G_sharp = 207.652
low_A = 220
low_B_flat = 233.083
low_B = 246.942
mid_C = 261.626
mid_C_sharp = 277.183
mid_D = 293.665
mid_D_sharp = 311.127
mid_E = 329.628
mid_F = 349.228
mid_F_sharp = 369.994
mid_G = 391.995
mid_G_sharp = 415.305
mid_A = 440
mid_B_flat = 466.164
mid_B = 493.883
high_C = 523.251
high_C_sharp = 554.365
high_D = 587.330
high_D_sharp = 622.254
high_E = 659.255
high_F = 698.465
high_F_sharp = 739.989
high_G = 783.991
high_G_sharp = 830.609
high_A = 880
high_B_flat = 987.767
high_B = 987.767
Sample Songs
The Star Spangled Banner - USA National Anthem
cp.play_tone(mid_G, 0.75)
cp.play_tone(mid_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_C, 1)
cp.play_tone(mid_E, 1)
cp.play_tone(mid_G, 1)
cp.play_tone(high_C, 2)
cp.play_tone(high_E, 0.75)
cp.play_tone(high_D, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_C, 1)
cp.play_tone(mid_E, 1)
cp.play_tone(mid_F_sharp, 1)
cp.play_tone(mid_G, 2)
Für Elise - by Ludwig van Beethoven
cp.play_tone(high_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_D_sharp, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_D_sharp, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_B, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_F, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_G, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_A, 0.5)
cp.play_tone(low_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(low_F, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(low_A, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_C, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_A, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_B, 0.5)
cp.play_tone(low_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(low_G_sharp, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(low_B, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_G_sharp, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_B, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_A, 0.5)
cp.play_tone(low_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(low_F, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(low_A, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_D_sharp, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_D_sharp, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_E, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_B, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_F, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(high_G, 0.25)
cp.play_tone(mid_A, 0.5)