

Build the solution

dotnet build

Test and test with coverage

dotnet test
dotnet test -maxcpucount:1 -p:CollectCoverage=true -p:CoverletOutput="..\TestResults\" -p:MergeWith="..\TestResults\coverage.json"


dotnet build -c:release
dotnet publish .\src\Crossroads\Crossroads.csproj -c:release --no-build

Crossroads on Linux


To install crossroads as a global dotnet tool on the linux environment:

dotnet tool install -g MorganStanley.Crossroads

To get the list of available commands:

crossroads --help

How to use

Package Python
 crossroads package --name newnotepad --command "python3"
Package Python and add a script file from include
crossroads package --name newhello  --command "python3" --args "script/" --location "./output" --include "../script"
Inspect a package
 crossroads inspect --package "./newhello"
Show help
crossroads --help
Execute generated app

How to Develop

Build the solution
dotnet build
Test and test with coverage
dotnet test
dotnet test -maxcpucount:1 -p:CollectCoverage=true -p:CoverletOutput="../TestResults/" -p:MergeWith="../TestResults/coverage.json"
dotnet build -c:release
dotnet publish ./src/Crossroads/Crossroads.csproj -c:release --no-build